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    Spartan Capital Participates in Follow-on Funding for DeFi Platform Pendle

    Pendle’s innovative approach to the on-chain yield market has received a vote of confidence from a prominent venture capital (VC) firm. According to a recent Medium post on November 9, this new investment highlights the firm’s unwavering belief in Pendle’s potential.

    Spartan Capital has stood as a vanguard ally for Pendle Finance, championing its goals ever since it made its first appearance in 2021.

    The VC also highlighted the immense favoritism towards interest rate derivatives, which are monetary agreements linked to interest rates or assets involving interest. Their value is staggering, exceeding hundreds of trillions annually, and they wield a critical influence in the conventional financial realm.

    Pendle Finance has firmly established its dominance within the realm of Liquid Staking Derivatives and LSDfi advancement through its recent incorporation of Real-World Assets (RWA). They have solidified their position as an undisputed leader in this field.

    The maturity and growth trajectory of the interest rate derivative sector can be measured by the company’s effort to integrate these tools into the DeFi ecosystem. 

    With Spartan Capital’s recent participation in follow-on funding for Pendle Finance, there is no doubt that the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) is getting ready to take off like a rocket. Spartan Capital, a prominent venture capital firm, made its move by acquiring Pendle Finance through an over-the-counter (OTC) transaction, demonstrating its unwavering support and belief in the project’s potential.

    Kelvin Koh, the Managing Partner of Spartan Capital, emphasized the extraordinary opportunity in the DeFi sector arising from the combination of Liquid Staking Derivatives and Real World Assets. As we conclude, he highlighted the potential of this convergence, highlighting its significant impact on the industry. 

    Koh expressed admiration for the Pendle Finance yield trading toolkit, commending its capacity to generate worth for digital assets or assets with yields.

    Pendle’s Unique Work Structure and Latest Materoric Trajectory

    Pendle Finance leverages a pair of tokens to transform investments in DeFi protocols such as Compound or Aave into tokenized assets.

    The investment in this extraordinary model is split into two segments: the investor’s initial capital and the forthcoming returns, which are in the form of token rewards.

    An arrangement is made by combining yield-producing tokens to create standardised yield tokens, which are then enclosed within a principle token (PT) or yield token (YT). Through this process, investors gain the ability to freely exchange their DeFi positions on the open market.

    Pendle’s recent progress has been the centre of considerable interest and expansion. As per the data provided by DefiLlama, the introduction of Pendle V2 has resulted in an extraordinary surge of 2,442% in Pendle’s Total Value Locked (TVL).

    On November 30, 2022, the amount of $7.55 million skyrocketed to an astonishing worth of $193.24 million at present.

    At the time of this report, Pendle Finance has experienced significant expansion, leading to its impressive position as the fourth-ranking platform in terms of Yield TVL rankings.

    In 2023, although the broader DeFi landscape experienced a decline in DeFi-related economic activity, a significant influx of funding has been witnessed, causing a sudden surge.

    Pendle’s impressive expansion highlights its ability to adapt and attract investors in the DeFi sector, establishing itself as a dominant force amidst evolving market trends.

    On August 23, Binance Global Exchange’s investment wing, Binance Labs, provided a substantial boost to its funding, showcasing yet another impressive ascent.

    To enable the tokenization and trading of yields, the trading platform made public its investment in Pendle Finance.

    Binance’s recent action symbolises its overarching mission to actively engage and foster the growth of decentralised finance within the financial landscape.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q1: How does Pendle Finance benefit from Spartan Capital’s additional funding?

    Pendle Finance has received significant support from Spartan Capital through a follow-on funding round. This funding showcases Spartan Capital’s dedication to enhancing the realm of decentralized finance, notably by focusing on the on-chain yield markets. By choosing to acquire Pendle Finance through an over-the-counter (OTC) transaction, the venture capital firm highlights its trust in Pendle’s groundbreaking methods.

    Q2: For what duration has Spartan Capital provided its support to Pendle Finance?

    Ever since its launch in 2021, Pendle Finance has found an influential backer in Spartan Capital. This forward-thinking financial institution has been a trailblazer in championing the goals of Pendle Finance within the decentralized finance realm.

    Q3: In the DeFi landscape, what aspect does Pendle Finance primarily concentrate on?

    Pendle Finance has firmly established itself as an industry frontrunner in the realm of Liquid Staking Derivatives and the development of LSDfi. By integrating tools like Real-World Assets (RWA) with the DeFi ecosystem, Pendle Finance demonstrates its alignment with the advancing interest rate derivative sector, highlighting its maturity and future growth prospects.

    Q4: What sets Pendle Finance’s work structure apart from others?

    Pendle Finance has implemented a unique two-token system for the tokenization of investments in DeFi protocols. By decoupling the initial investment amount from future returns, this approach empowers investors to freely exchange their DeFi holdings in the public market. As a result, the company’s groundbreaking strategy has captured considerable interest and played a pivotal role in driving substantial expansion.

    Q5: What recent adjustments have occurred in Pendle Finance’s Total Value Locked (TVL)?

    Pendle V2’s arrival sparked a surge of unprecedented proportions in Pendle’s TVL, as confirmed by DefiLlama. From a humble $7.55 million on November 30, 2022, the figure skyrocketed to a staggering $193.24 million, marking an astonishing 2,442% growth.

    Q6: Despite a downward trend in DeFi-related economic activity in 2023, what factors have been instrumental in the recent expansion of Pendle Finance?

    Pendle Finance has experienced significant expansion due to its distinct methodology, endurance, and allure in the realm of decentralized finance. The recent investment received from Binance Labs further emphasizes the company’s prominent standing in the ever-evolving sector of decentralized finance.

    Q7: About Pendle Finance’s recent funding, what part does Binance play?

    On August 23, Binance Labs, the investment division of Binance Global Exchange, invested in Pendle Finance. Their goal is to support the tokenization and trading of yields, aligning with Binance’s overall vision of actively engaging in and fostering the advancement of decentralized finance within the financial landscape.

    Credit: https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1358/0*31W9NAdvFLoblPua

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