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    Russian Experts Predict Boom in Cross-Border Crypto Payments for 2024

    Russian legal and tech analysts foresee a significant shift in the utilization of cryptocurrency and CBDCs, such as the digital ruble for international financial transactions, with the anticipated tipping point expected in 2024.

    In Russia, Tugarin pointed out the all-encompassing nature of the term digital assets, which encompasses not just cryptocurrencies but also digital financial assets and the impending digital ruble.

    According to legal professionals, numerous Russian initiatives have emerged and are poised to offer technical solutions for facilitating cross-border payments with cryptocurrency by the end of 2023.

    Various innovative approaches are available to address this matter, encompassing several initiatives predominantly led by financial institutions, along with collaborative endeavors between banks and cryptocurrency exchanges.

    Russia Crypto News: Russia To Introduce Comprehensive Crypto Legislation In  2024

    Credit: https://coingape.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/crypto-Russia-1000×600-1.jpeg

    Certain companies have already initiated direct business transactions using cryptocurrency with international firms – evidently with the awareness and approval of the Russian capital, Moscow.

    Tugarin expressed his frustration over the absence of readily available solutions for utilizing digitized commodities in the realm of digital financial assets.

    Despite the apparent acceleration of Moscow and the Kremlin’s CBDC pilot, he asserted that the digital ruble faced similar circumstances.

    Russia to Make Cross-border Crypto, CBDC Pay Progress in 2024?

    According to Telegina, the implementation of these solutions would aid in resolving a range of issues triggered by the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States.

    Acknowledging the impact of sanctions on our financial system, she admitted there was pressure. However, she proposed that integrating digital currencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as payment alternatives could alleviate this burden.

    The digitalization of the ruble will not be implemented by the Central Bank until after 2025, as per their recent decision. However, the finance ministry of the country assures that within the next year, every individual will have the opportunity to participate in the practice of conducting payments using Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

    Crypto Adoption to Rise in Russia in 2024?

    Inevitably, as foretold by Kirill Lyakhmanov, the distinguished Chief Legal Advisor of the Intellectual Property Department at the eminent EBR Law Firm, the emergence of a scattered landscape within the global financial markets will invariably generate amplified enthusiasm toward cryptocurrencies.

    Despite the NFT market crash in 2023, Lyakhmanov emphasized that these assets continue to hold potential in the utility tokens industry, including within the Russian market.

    Murmurs in Moscow have dissipated about the idea of establishing a government-operated cryptocurrency exchange, which would offer an opportunity for local industry miners to trade their coins.

    The concept of establishing a branch of the Moscow Exchange, which would enable importers and exporters to exchange cryptocurrencies for traditional currencies, had been proposed earlier by legislators.

    Last year, insiders from the Russian crypto industry made assertions that local businesses were already delving into the realm of cryptocurrency-driven solutions regarding trade with Iranian companies.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Russian experts shed light on the importance of 2024 in cross-border cryptocurrency transactions.

    Russian legal and technology specialists anticipate that the year 2024 holds enormous significance regarding the utilization of cryptocurrencies and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for transnational transactions.

    2. In the context of cross-border payments, how does Russia define digital assets?

    Rewritten: Russia goes beyond labeling crypto assets as digital assets and expands the definition to include digital financial assets and their very own digital ruble.

    3. What advancements have been achieved in Russian initiatives concerning cross-border payments involving cryptocurrency as of the conclusion of 2023?

    Around 2023’s conclusion, a multitude of Russian endeavors surfaced, presenting innovative methods utilizing digital currency to facilitate international payments. Pioneered by various banks or formed through fruitful collaborations between banks and cryptocurrency exchanges, these projects aimed to revolutionize cross-border transactions.

    4. Is there an existing range of options available to facilitate the use of digital financial assets for cross-border payments in Russia?

    Regrettably, legal specialist Tugarin points out the absence of readily available methods to utilize digital financial assets, including the digital ruble, in facilitating international transactions.

    5. In what manner do specialists propose that cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency (CBDC) payment solutions can tackle the problems resulting from sanctions imposed by the EU and the US?

    Telegina proposes that the implementation of crypto and CBDC payment solutions might offer some relief to the challenges imposed by sanctions, thus easing the strain on Russia’s financial system.

    6. What is the anticipated timeline for the introduction of the digital ruble by the Central Bank of Russia?

    The introduction of a digital ruble before 2025 has been dismissed by the Central Bank. Nevertheless, the finance ministry ensures that within the upcoming year, all individuals will have the opportunity to conduct CBDC transactions.

    7. What consequences are predicted by Kirill Lyakhmanov for the level of interest in cryptocurrency in 2024 due to the fragmentation of global financial markets?

    In 2024, according to Kirill Lyakhmanov, a phenomenon of rising curiosity towards cryptocurrencies is expected as a result of the fragmentation observed in global financial markets.

    8. In light of the NFT market’s downfall in 2023, what is Lyakhmanov’s stance on the future of NFTs in Russia?

    In Russia, Lyakhmanov holds the belief that utility tokens within the NFT market will endure, even after its collapse in 2023. He foresees a promising future for these assets.

    9. Is there any relevant conversation happening in Moscow regarding the possibility of setting up a government-operated cryptocurrency exchange?

    Moscow had previously entertained the idea of establishing a crypto exchange under state control, but recent conversations on the matter have lost their fervor.

    10. Is there any involvement from Russian companies in seeking cryptocurrency-based solutions to facilitate trade with Iranian businesses?

    Russian insiders from the crypto industry affirm that local businesses have been actively investigating the implementation of crypto-based solutions to facilitate trade with Iranian companies.

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