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    Russian Economist: US Sanctions to Boost Digital Ruble Weaken Dollar

    An influential economist from Russia asserts that the imposition of American sanctions will ultimately erode the significance of the US dollar in the worldwide economy, thereby facilitating the widespread acceptance of the digital ruble across borders.

    According to News.ru, Alexander Razuvaev, belonging to the supervisory board of the Guild of Financial Analysts and Risk Managers, voiced these remarks.

    In regards to the conflict in Ukraine, Razuvaev expressed concern that the response from Washington towards Russia could lead to a loss of trust in the American currency on a global scale.

    Razuvaev suggested that Russian trading partners may increasingly consider utilizing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a viable substitute for the US dollar, instead of the current situation.

    Could US Dollar Woes Lead to Russian Digital Ruble Joy?

    According to Razuvaev, Moscow should prioritize its efforts in establishing secure connections for foreign trade, emphasizing its heightened significance in current times.

    He insisted that the majority of Russia’s transactions with China and Middle Eastern countries ought to be carried out in yuan and Emirati dirham, but stressed that the Russian CBDC would also assume a significant function.

    According to the economist, the utilization of the digital ruble would soon facilitate trade within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

    Moscow holds a significant stronghold over the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), an assembly of ex-Soviet countries that predominantly maintain their allegiance to Russia.

    In the midst of 2023, the implementation of their CBDC initiatives gained momentum for pivotal participants like Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    Just as the Russian Central Bank embarked on its pilot project, the states took their turn to make a move.

    The integration of the digital yuan and digital ruble has been discussed by prominent Russian legislators as well.

    Nevertheless, Beijing has chosen to maintain a discreet stance regarding this subject, favouring the initiation of its inaugural experiments involving cross-border e-CNY undertakings within the confines of Hong Kong.

    The economist criticized the actions of the U.S. government, emphasizing that the decision to freeze Russian Central Bank assets had backfired.

    After the beginning of the conflict in 2022, sovereign Russian assets amounting to approximately $300 billion were obstructed by the United States and its allied nations across Western countries.

    Certain legislators have been pressing the European Union and other parties to transfer these assets to Ukraine while opposing voices argue that there is no established legal framework to facilitate such a transfer.

    2021 witnessed a significant shift in the rhetoric of political leaders like Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who asserted that the introduction of the digital ruble would serve as a powerful instrument for Moscow to rid its economy of reliance on the dollar.

    Approximately 600 individuals from Russia, consisting of political figures and banking personnel, are presently participating in an ongoing trial for the Russian Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It is scheduled for expansion in the upcoming months.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    About the influence of US sanctions, what are the viewpoints expressed by Alexander Razuvaev, the noted Russian economist?

    Razuvaev posits that the global economy’s dependence on the US dollar could be eroded due to the impacts of US sanctions.

    What are the potential advantages that Razuvaev perceives for the digital ruble amidst this scenario?

    Razuvaev’s perspective highlights the advantageous opportunity for the digital ruble amidst the US dollar’s decline. As a result, it could emerge as the preferred substitute for Russian trade associations.

    Why is it of utmost significance, according to Razuvaev, that Moscow ensures the establishment and maintenance of foreign trade connections?

    Amidst the hurdles of US sanctions and the persisting crisis in Ukraine, Razuvaev emphasizes the utmost importance for Moscow to establish firm international trade connections.

    What are the regions recommended by Razuvaev for engaging in trade using the currencies of yuan and Emirati dirham, and how does the digital ruble contribute to this scenario?

    According to Razuvaev, Russia should engage in trade with China and countries in the Middle East using the currencies of yuan and Emirati dirham. On the other hand, the digital ruble is proposed to assume a crucial position in facilitating trade among the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

    Imbued with technological advancements, can you unravel the identity of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and comprehend its entanglement with the digital ruble?

    The alliance known as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) consists of various nations that were once part of the Soviet Union and now share an alignment with Moscow. Razuvaev, an expert in the field, foresees a future where trade within the CIS will evolve to embrace the digital ruble. This transition is expected to gain momentum, particularly in countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, where their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) projects are advancing rapidly.

    What impact did the US freezing of Russian Central Bank assets have on the situation?

    Razuvaev expresses disdain for the suspension of Russian Central Bank funds, arguing that this action has resulted in adverse effects on the worldwide trust placed in the United States currency.

    What actions have been undertaken by prominent CIS members, including Belarus and Kazakhstan, about projects focusing on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)?

    In 2023, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other important constituents of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) entered a phase of intensified development for their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) initiatives. This coincided with the Russian Central Bank’s initiation of a pilot project for its digital ruble.

    What is Razuvaev’s perspective on the possible merging of the digital yuan and digital ruble?

    According to Razuvaev, there have been discussions among prominent Russian legislators regarding the potential integration of the digital yuan and digital ruble. However, Beijing has adopted a cautious approach and has chosen to initially test its cross-border e-CNY initiatives exclusively in Hong Kong.

    Status updates and participants in the ongoing Russian CBDC pilot are being sought. Perplexed about the current state and individuals engaged in this endeavour?

    Approximately 600 individuals from Russia, encompassing politicians and banking personnel, are presently engaged in the Russian CBDC trial. Plans are set to broaden the trial’s reach in the early stages of the forthcoming year.

    What measures involving the digital ruble have been suggested to assist Moscow in eliminating the dominance of the dollar in its economy?

    By 2021, various politicians, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, voiced their belief that the implementation of the digital ruble would aid Moscow in decreasing its dependence on the US dollar within its economic framework.

    Credit: https://www.reuters.com/resizer/Yhw3fYXkygoSrrJBhWpiQbmGT3A=/728×381/smart/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/VW3ONKCNVVNEJLJJOVOVKGXNK4.jpg

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