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    Russian Central Bank Explores Crypto with BRICS

    The Central Bank’s Governor of Russia is engaging in discussions with BRICS member states on the potential of employing digital currencies for facilitating global trade.

    According to RIA Novosti and 1Prime, Elvira Nabiullina, the long-standing Governor of the bank, mentioned that the Central Bank is presently engaged in discussions with nations that share friendly relations, which notably include BRICS members. The primary focus of these consultations revolves around exploring opportunities and methods to facilitate digital currency transactions across borders.

    Nabiullina said that the Central Bank is aware of the potential to combining the token with analogical global platforms in the process of digital ruble platform development.

    Nabiullina is one of the Putin’s staunchest supporters who has vociferously criticized the use of the cryptocurrencies in the past.

    Throughout this time, she has consistently supported the adoption of a crypto prohibition in Russia similar or even tougher to Chinese approach, including also banning crypto mining.

    Recently, a shift has occurred in her position. Before Nabiullina’s latest interview, one could say that the strongest support for cryptocurrency came from her.

    No matter how it looks, the tides are changing in Russia regarding cryptocurrency. Today, Elvira Nabiullina, the Governor of the Central Bank of Russia, discusses with member states of BRICS possibilities of digital currencies as a medium for global trade. This change of direction from her former stand with regard to cryptocurrency is a major departure.

    In the state duma discussions that were ongoing, the Governor talked about adopting a bill that would give green light for use of cryptocurrency in international transactions.

    Nabiullina noted that the development of CBDCs is at various stages in numerous nations.

    The Governor radiated hopefulness regarding the advancement of the digital ruble. According to her, a growing number of commercial banks and private sector participants have shown keen interest in participating in the pilot program.

    BRICS and ‘Russia-friendly States’ Turn to CBDCs & Crypto?

    In earlier discussions, BRICS nations have explored the notion of initiating a form of electronic currency designed specifically for global trading purposes.

    Several BRICS countries, among them Russia, have adopted the Chinese yuan and the Emirati dirham instead of the USD as a means of payment.

    Moscow believes that the shift towards interoperable digital fiats will be the preferred approach as it seeks to reduce its dependence on the US dollar.

    In the opening days of this month, a prestigious economist from Russia stated that the sanctions exercises by western countries would be harmful to the dollar but support adoption and use of digital ruble.

    However, in a surprising twist of events, it appears that the Governor of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina has began to warm to idea of digital forms of money being integrated into world trade. This change in position was admitted as part of long-term discussions in the State Duma, where the need to consider legislative acts approving the use of cryptocurrency for international transactions was discussed.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is the ranking of crypto at the moment by Central Bank Of Russia?

    Elvira Nabiullina, the Governor of Russia’s Central Bank, is currently in talks with member states of BRICS to delve into the possibilities of employing digital currencies as a means to enhance global trade.

    Did the Central Bank explore the possibility of partnering with foreign nations in the realm of digital currencies?

    Governor Nabiullina acknowledged that the Central Bank is presently engaged in talks with nations, notably BRICS constituents, to deliberate on digital currency transactions crossing international borders.

    Where does Governor Nabiullina stand when it comes to embracing cryptocurrencies?

    Governor Nabiullina, who has historically been against the integration of cryptocurrency, appears to have changed heart based on her recent remarks. In a surprising twist, she showcased a newfound enthusiasm towards a bill currently being deliberated in the State Duma, which potentially opens up the opportunity for cryptocurrency to be utilized in global transactions.

    What is the strategy of the Central Bank to connect the digital ruble platform with international platforms?

    The idea of linking the digital ruble platform with overseas platforms was specifically addressed by the Central Bank, reflecting their intent to foster cooperation with other countries through the integration of the token.

    Is there any news about the advancements made with the digital ruble?

    Governor Nabiullina noted an increasing interest and active participation in the digital ruble pilot from a larger number of commercial banks and private sector entities, showcasing a surge in enthusiasm for and engagement with the initiative.

    How do BRICS members view the incorporation of digital currencies into international trade?

    The notion of establishing a digital currency for global commerce has been debated among the BRICS nations, with Russia and other member countries participating in these discussions. Several states within the BRICS alliance have already embraced alternative payment instruments, such as the Chinese yuan and the Emirati dirham, as substitutes for the US dollar in certain transactions.

    What is Russia’s perspective on the role of interconnected digital currencies in global commerce?

    Russia, in its pursuit to reduce dependence on the US dollar, favours the adoption of interconnected digital currencies for global commerce. Embracing digital fiats, such as the digital ruble, is seen as a promising substitute for conventional payment mechanisms in international transactions.

    What could be the potential consequences of Western sanctions on the acceptance of the digital ruble within Russia?

    A renowned Russian economist predicts that the imposition of Western sanctions on Russia might have far-reaching consequences. One potential outcome is the erosion of the supremacy of the American dollar, while concurrently paving the way for the widespread adoption of a digital ruble, offering an alternative avenue for financial transactions.

    Credit: https://static.euronews.com/articles/stories/06/73/77/62/1200x675_cmsv2_c806e5bf-5115-5794-a498-fc8260866b9a-6737762.jpg

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