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    Odysee: Southern Poverty Law Center Accuses It of Hosting Extremist Content

    Odysee, the video-streaming platform built on blockchain technology, plunges into trouble this morning after an elaborate study by the Southern Poverty Law Commission suggested that the website serves as a central meeting point for both hateful organizations and radical factions.

    A “Haven” for Extremism

    According to the Digital Threat Report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which was published on Tuesday, the nonprofit claims that Odysee is now a sanctuary where people can save and produce video content that would be banned on more popular platforms.

    Furthermore, according to the Digital Threat Report, platforms such as Odysee serve as a repository for extremist and offensive material, facilitating extremist and offensive actions through the provision of lucrative financial prospects or advantageous technological functionalities.

    Odysee, derived from the now-closed content-sharing site LBRY, fully relies on blockchain technology. It provides users with a platform to share videos, even if they contain harmful or controversial content while ensuring minimal chances of losing platform access.

    Jeremy Kaufman, the founder of LBRY, once boasted about the unparalleled resistance to censorship within the company’s system, stating that it stands as the supreme platform for disseminating digital content with an indomitable spirit.

    Odysee stands out as a platform in the alternative technology space, hosting a plethora of voices who uphold unorthodox beliefs that often face censorship on other sites due to their limited content moderation. Kaufman, the individual behind Odysee, actively participated in the 2022 U.S. Senate race as a candidate representing the Libertarian party and holds membership in the Mises Caucus, a far-right group.

    Funding Hate?

    In just the same way, LBRY’s digital currency, LBRY Credits, allows content creators to earn compensation for their monetized videos. Users can also show support to their cherished content creators by making subscriptions or providing voluntary contributions, commonly known as tips.

    Odysee, the platform notorious for its commitment to free speech, is reportedly embraced by individuals banned from other sites for engaging in hate speech and engaging in other detrimental activities, as per the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Robert Warren Azzmador Ray, the elusive fugitive wanted for orchestrating and taking part in the fatal Charlottesville Unite the Right gathering in 2017, has managed to establish a thriving virtual presence on Odysee. Despite evading capture, Ray has remarkably amassed a substantial sum exceeding $30,000 solely through the generous contributions of viewers, known as Hyperchats, on this platform.

    One of the key issues of the Nordic Resistance Movement, which is a neo-Nazi movement of Sweden, Finland, and Norway, is the distribution of propaganda. This is a notable characteristic of their engagements and an English-language channel on a commonly used platform. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, this specific channel has been specifically designed to disseminate propaganda.

    Troubling Times

    Following the Securities and Exchange Commission’s lawsuit, which outlined LBRY’s failure to register its LBRY Credits, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Digital Threat Report emerged after the recent shutdown of LBRY.

    Originally, the non-operational platform confronted a significant monetary sanction of $22 million imposed by the S.E.C. In the end, this penalty was drastically diminished to slightly above $111,000. Nonetheless, the future of their contentious streaming subsidiary is still uncertain. The LBRY Controversy

    The LBRY controversy has been making waves in the online world, particularly due to its association with individuals and groups banned from other sites for hate speech and other detrimental activities. One such individual is Robert Warren Azzmador Ray, the mastermind behind the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017. Despite being on the run from law enforcement, he has managed to create a thriving virtual presence on Odysee, an offshoot of LBRY.

    It’s astonishing to think that Ray has been able to amass over $30,000 in donations solely from viewers on Odysee. These contributions, known as Hyperchats, have allowed him to continue spreading his hateful ideology without repercussions. It’s a reminder that the internet can be a breeding ground for dangerous individuals who find solace in platforms that embrace free speech without considering its consequences.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. What is Odysee, and how does it differ from mainstream video-sharing platforms? 

    Odysee is an innovative video streaming platform built on blockchain technology. Unlike conventional mainstream platforms, it provides users with the freedom to upload content that may not be well-received elsewhere. Creating a haven, enables individuals to share videos containing potentially controversial or provocative material, reducing the likelihood of facing censorship or bans.

    2. the Southern Poverty Law Center has accused Odysee, and their accusation stands as follows: what exactly is it?

    According to the Digital Threat Report released by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Odysee has been labeled as a centralized hub catering to hate groups and extremists. The report asserts that the platform has transformed into a reservoir for extremist and malicious material, as it not only facilitates such activities but also presents financial incentives and technical capabilities to perpetuate them.

    3. What role does Odysee’s blockchain technology play in shaping its distinct content policies?

    Odysee operates exclusively through the utilization of blockchain technology, offering enhanced protection against censorship for its users. Consequently, individuals can share material that may otherwise be deemed inappropriate and forbidden on alternative platforms, all the while ensuring uninterrupted access to the website.

    4. How do LBRY Credits function within the Odysee platform and what is their connection to extremist content?

    LBRY’s cryptocurrency, LBRY Credits, serves as a means for compensating creators on Odysee. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center contends that this compensation model, coupled with the platform’s unwavering support for freedom of expression, lures individuals who have faced bans from other platforms due to their promotion of hate speech and destructive conduct.

    5. Which individuals or collectives, as referenced in the article, can be identified as important figures or factions existing within the realm of Odysee?

    Fugitive Robert Warren Azzmador Ray, sought for his involvement in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, is highlighted in the article for receiving significant contributions resembling tips on Odysee. Additionally, the Nordic Resistance Movement, a neo-nazi organization, has an English-language channel on the site allegedly designed to spread propaganda by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    6. Why was LBRY sued by the SEC and what were the effects of the legal action?

    A legal battle ensued when LBRY neglected to register its LBRY Credits, resulting in a lawsuit filed by the SEC. The initial penalty imposed on LBRY amounted to a hefty $22 million, eventually reduced to a mere $111,000. The future of Odysee, their contentious streaming subsidiary, is now dubious following this legal intervention.

    Credit: https://images.pexels.com/photos/34150/pexels-photo.jpg

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