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    Lawmaker: Unregulated Russian Crypto Threatens Anti-Sanctions Policy

    Insufficient regulation of cryptocurrencies in Russia is believed by a prominent politician to be negatively impacting the government’s attempts to counter Western economic sanctions.

    Andrei Lugovoy, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma’s Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, expressed his dissatisfaction with Russia’s cryptocurrency policy, labelling it as ranging from subpar to utterly repugnant, according to an article published by RBC news outlet. 

    When it comes to the world of cryptocurrencies, regulation has always been a hot topic of debate. Some argue that excessive regulation stifles innovation and growth, while others insist that a lack of regulation poses significant risks to the economy. In Russia, this debate is raging on, with one prominent politician speaking out about the potential dangers of unregulated crypto.

    Russian Crypto Policy Is ‘Lacking,’ Lawmaker Fumes

    Lugovoy participated in a crypto-focused forum arranged by an identical media organization. RBC alleged that the speakers delivered a handful of remarkable remarks and evaluations on the present legal condition of the Russian mining and digital assets sector.

    Lugovoy’s assessments stood out as particularly noteworthy, as he vehemently criticized the lack of action from Moscow regarding crypto regulation.

    Lugovoy voiced his disapproval towards the multitude of government task forces responsible for formulating cryptocurrency regulations.

    Among the assemblage are politicians who hold esteemed positions, officials belonging to various ministries, and individuals who have the authority to make decisions within the Central Bank.

    Russian Impasse: Regulation Still a Way Off?

    In a quest to resolve the ongoing deadlock between the financial, trade, and energy ministries, as well as the sceptical Central Bank regarding cryptocurrencies, Moscow took the initiative to form these alliances.

    The Russian crypto industry finds consistent support from government ministries, who advocate for its approval. They propose the inclusion of specific regulations for crypto miners, regulated exchanges, and strict anti-money laundering measures.

    The state’s treasury is expected to benefit from the legalization of industrial crypto mining, as several ministries hold the belief that it will generate additional tax revenue.

    The expectation of a boost in the tech and financial industries accompanies the hopes for legalization. Numerous prominent Russian companies have initiated the establishment of trading platforms dedicated to digital assets and NFT transactions.

    Despite the wide array of crypto forms, the bank maintains its staunch disapproval towards them. Its preference lies in redirecting lawmakers’ attention towards their swiftly progressing digital ruble initiative.

    Lugovoy scoffed at the stalemate, insisting that countless meetings had taken place within the working groups, amounting to billions.

    Despite these gatherings, the legislator declared that no strides have been taken by politicians in enacting the required laws.

    For several years now, Russian enterprises have been grappling with difficulties in conducting transactions with international counterparts, noted the legislator.

    Facilitating mutual settlements, Lugovoy expressed, could be achieved through the utilization of cryptocurrency, offering Russian companies an opportunity to do so.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What specific issue does the lawmaker express as a major concern regarding the regulations on cryptocurrency in Russia?

    Andrei Lugovoy, the legislator, holds the view that inadequate oversight within the cryptocurrency realm in Russia is impeding the government’s endeavours to combat economic sanctions imposed by Western powers.

    What is Lugovoy’s assessment of the present condition of Russia’s cryptocurrency policy?

    Lugovoy expresses his strong disapproval towards the Russian crypto policy, deeming it to vary from unfavourable to revolting.

    In what location did Lugovoy voice his opinions regarding the cryptocurrency policy in Russia?

    Lugovoy participated in a crypto-themed panel discussion arranged by the media company RBC, where he expressed his viewpoint.

    What are the main concerns brought up by Lugovoy about the government’s handling of cryptocurrency regulation?

    Lugovoy expresses his discontent with the inactivity of different governmental task forces entrusted with formulating regulations for cryptocurrencies. He underlines their failure to make any meaningful advancements and their ineffectiveness in implementing essential laws.

    How does the Russian government exhibit contradicting perspectives regarding the regulation of cryptocurrency?

    The ministries responsible for finance, trade, and energy stand united, advocating for the legalization of the cryptocurrency sector in Russia. However, a significant roadblock emerges in the form of the Central Bank, as they maintain a general scepticism towards various aspects of crypto.

    How does Lugovoy propose addressing the challenges Russian businesses encounter when engaging in financial transactions with international counterparts?

    According to Lugovoy, the utilization of cryptocurrency has the potential to offer Russian companies a platform to simplify reciprocal transactions and tackle the hurdles encountered when dealing with overseas counterparts in terms of settlements.

    How do the ministries view the regulation of cryptocurrencies, and what advantages do they anticipate from its legalization?

    The endorsement from the ministries favours the approval of industrial cryptocurrency mining, controlled trade platforms, and measures against illicit financial activities. They are convinced that this move will not just offer a source of revenue for the government but also foster the advancement of the technology and finance industries.

    What is the alternative strategy proposed by the Central Bank as an alternative to regulating cryptocurrencies?

    Lawmakers are strongly advised by the Central Bank to prioritize their accelerated digital ruble initiative, as they maintain a steadfast opposition to almost any manifestation of cryptocurrency.

    Lugovoy expresses dissatisfaction with the working groups’ efforts to tackle the deadlock surrounding crypto regulation, but in what way does he voice his criticism?

    Despite numerous working group meetings, Lugovoy expresses disappointment with the lack of progress and the failure to introduce necessary legislation.

    For how long have Russian businesses been grappling with challenges when it comes to settling accounts with international associates, as per Lugovoy?

    For several years, Lugovoy has highlighted the struggles faced by Russian enterprises when it comes to initiating financial transactions with overseas counterparts.

    Credit: https://forkast.news/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Bitcoin-768×456.jpg

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