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    CoinDesk CEO Kevin Worth Exits in Bullish-Led Restructuring

    Bullish crypto exchange, the recent acquirer of media outlet CoinDesk, has initiated a significant restructuring endeavour that includes the resignation of CEO Kevin Worth.

    CoinDesk has named Sara Stratoberdha as its fresh CEO, a role she takes on after leading the charge in business development for Bullish, the exchange platform.

    Despite the change in ownership, Bullish’s acquisition of CoinDesk ensures that the latter will maintain its status as an autonomous subsidiary, confirmed a representative from CoinDesk.

    Key Members of CoinDesk’s Leadership Team to Depart

    CoinDesk’s leadership team will undergo a comprehensive restructure, with not only the CEO but several other significant members also set to depart.

    Included in this group are Elinor Hirschhorn, who holds the position of Chief Operating Officer, John DeGuenther, currently serving as the Vice President of Engineering, and Emily Parker, the esteemed Executive Director of Global Strategy.

    CoinDesk’s discussions with Bullish regarding Chief Content Officer Michael Casey’s future involvement are progressing, as his full-time role is being reconsidered. However, there are plans to explore alternative capacities in which he can continue contributing to the company.

    CoinDesk’s ambitious CEO, Tom Farley, communicated the alterations with both CoinDesk and Bullish staff members via a written communication, detailing the primary goal of consolidating CoinDesk’s media, indices, and events divisions into a more efficient organisational system.

    CoinDesk’s organizational restructuring includes integration with Bullish, resulting in a revised reporting structure where various departments, such as Human Resources, will now align and answer to the respective departments at Bullish.

    CoinDesk’s integration with Bullish involves a seamless merging of its technology and product teams.

    In a statement, Farley expressed gratitude and extended well wishes to Kevin and the leadership team for their instrumental role in guiding CoinDesk’s transformation into a prominent international media company. Their efforts encompassed the seamless merger with Bullish, culminating in a successful integration. We express our appreciation and offer them our best wishes, Farley conveyed.

    Bullish’s Acquisition of CoinDesk

    CoinDesk was purchased by Bullish last year in a secretive agreement involving a significant sum of money.

    Bullish clarified that despite the acquisition, there would be no interference with the management team of the crypto news site, affirming that it will continue to function as an autonomous subsidiary.

    CoinDesk underwent a period of turmoil and change in ownership following its association with Digital Currency Group (DCG).

    FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange, experienced a sudden downfall following an incident a year ago. CoinDesk’s acclaimed report on FTX’s questionable financial position served as the triggering factor.

    Genesis, a lending subsidiary of DCG, found itself adversely affected by FTX’s collapse, leading to direct consequences for DCG’s financial position.

    DCG and Genesis are currently being sued by the New York Attorney General’s office for their purported deceitful practices that have allegedly duped unsuspecting investors.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What prompted Coin Desk’s CEO, Kevin Worth, to resign?

    Kevin Worth has resigned as a result of a significant reorganization spearheaded by Bullish, the crypto exchange that recently took over CoinDesk. The main objective of this restructuring is to optimize and streamline the operational efficiency of CoinDesk under fresh leadership.

    Can you enlighten me on the identity of the freshly appointed CEO at Coin Desk?

    CoinDesk has recently announced the appointment of Sara Stratoberdha, a former executive responsible for business expansion at Bullish, as its new Chief Executive Officer.

    Does CoinDesk’s independence remain intact following the transfer of ownership?

    Despite the alteration in ownership, CoinDesk shall remain functional as an autonomous branch within Bullish.

    Do we have any other significant individuals leaving the leadership team of CoinDesk?

    CoinDesk’s leadership roster will be witnessing the departure of several influential figures, such as Chief Operating Officer Elinor Hirschhorn, Vice President of Engineering John DeGuenther, and Executive Director of Global Strategy Emily Parker.

    How does Chief Content Officer Michael Casey fit into this picture?

    Bullish and CoinDesk are currently in talks to redefine Michael Casey’s involvement from a full-time position to a different role. Both parties are exploring various options to ensure his ongoing contribution to the company.

    What are the aims of the reorganization facilitated by Bullish?

    CoinDesk’s CEO, Tom Farley, effectively conveyed the plan to enhance the efficiency of CoinDesk’s media, indices, and events enterprises by implementing a comprehensive restructuring process. This initiative is aimed at establishing a more streamlined and effective organisational framework. A detailed internal memo from CEO Tom Farley informed all CoinDesk and Bullish staff members about this pivotal development.

    What are the effects of the restructuring on CoinDesk’s functions and teams?

    Bullish has formed a new structure where various departments, like Human Resources in CoinDesk, will now be under the supervision of Bullish. Moreover, the technology and product teams of CoinDesk will merge with Bullish.

    At what point in time did Bullish secure ownership of CoinDesk, and what were the specifics surrounding this acquisition?

    In an undercover monetary transaction, Bullish discreetly acquired CoinDesk the previous year. The objective of this acquisition was to uphold the autonomy of CoinDesk’s managerial staff, ensuring that the news platform could persist as an independent subordinate entity within the realm of Bullish.

    The shift in ownership from Digital Currency Group (DCG) to Bullish was prompted by what factors that precipitated CoinDesk’s change?

    After facing a turbulent phase that included an exposé on FTX’s dubious financial records, CoinDesk changed ownership, resulting in repercussions for both FTX and DCG. Moreover, DCG had to battle a lawsuit filed by the New York Attorney General’s office, accusing them of deceiving investors.

    What was the effect of the acquisition on Digital Currency Group (DCG), the previous owner of CoinDesk?

    DCG and its lending arm, Genesis, encountered consequences arising from FTX’s downfall, resulting in legal ramifications, such as a lawsuit filed by the New York Attorney General’s office. The lawsuit claimed that DCG had deceived investors, leading to a potential misrepresentation of facts.

    Credit: https://cryptoslate.com/wp content/uploads/2022/11/dcg-.jpg

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