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    South Korea Criticized for Incremental Approach to Crypto Regulation

    A recent report suggests that South Korea’s financial regulators are making cautious advances in crypto regulation, while their American counterparts are blazing a trail with rapid progress.

    In stark contrast, the cryptocurrency market is being actively promoted by regulators in the United States, as highlighted by the report’s author.

    The author elucidated that this fact is demonstrated through actions such as Washington’s recent endorsement of Bitcoin spot ETFs.

    In contrast, the endorsement has prompted local authorities to impose stricter regulations on South Korean companies providing access to cryptocurrency ETFs abroad.

    According to the author, there is a growing demand for the creation of a specialized department within the FSC due to the increasing number of critical perspectives.

    New S Korean Crypto Units Start Work This Month

    January 9 marked the official release of two exclusive crypto units by the FSS. The Virtual Asset Supervision Bureau and the Virtual Asset Investigation Bureau were successfully established.

    According to the news publication, this action was hailed as a noteworthy initial stride. However, it rebuked the regulator for arriving at the crypto regulation gathering rather belatedly. It seems like South Korea is taking an incremental approach to crypto regulation, and it’s receiving some criticism for it. While their American counterparts are blazing a trail with rapid progress in the cryptocurrency market, South Korea’s financial regulators are treading cautiously.

    The recent report that shed light on this issue highlighted how the United States is actively promoting the cryptocurrency market. One example of this is Washington’s endorsement of Bitcoin spot ETFs. This kind of support from authorities is a stark contrast to what we’re seeing in  South Korea, where local authorities are imposing stricter regulations on companies providing access to cryptocurrency ETFs abroad. There is a growing demand for more comprehensive regulation in South Korea, as evidenced by the increasing number of critical perspectives.

    Can New South Korean Crypto Regulatory Teams Keep Up with the US?

    Before the commencement of the new departments, a group of researchers from the FSS furnished interim assistance to legislative endeavours about cryptocurrency. In addition, they oversaw the developments in the local marketplace.

    Right from the start, the new FSS cryptocurrency squads seem to have a lot on their plate. They have already raised the alarm about various instances where fraudulent crypto exchanges are operating.

    Numerous cases have emerged where investors encountered obstacles in retrieving their funds from trading platforms that were declared unregistered.

    Despite this, the outlet asserted that numerous experts in the field disapproved of the readiness demonstrated by the financial authorities, labelling the measures taken by the FSC and FSS as delayed.

    Several unidentified people claimed that there has been a lack of noteworthy reaction over the past seven years following the emergency measures meeting on cryptocurrency organized by the FSC in 2017.

    The South Korean crypto market was buzzing with excitement and frenzy, prompting the FSC and the government to take immediate action. They urgently sought measures to stabilise the market, as it had become excessively heated, attracting various demographics, from young students to retirees, all eager to invest in tokens.

    More Legislation Needed in South Korean Crypto Space?

    In July, a fresh legislation tailored for cryptocurrency is anticipated to be implemented, yet the government expresses concerns over its limited scope.

    Lawmakers are scheduled to commence their efforts on a subsequent bill, but it is anticipated that no additional advancements will be made until the parliamentary elections of the country take place on April 10.

    Insiders assert that discussions regarding the potential approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs in Seoul, mirroring Washington’s decision, have also been postponed until the April survey.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Why is there a wave of disapproval directed towards South Korea regarding its stance on regulating cryptocurrencies?

    Unlike the United States, where crypto regulation has advanced at a faster pace, South Korea’s financial regulators are facing criticism for their cautious approach towards implementing measures in the crypto sector.

    What measures are US regulators taking to support the development of the cryptocurrency market in contrast to South Korea?

    US regulators have been shown to offer active support for the cryptocurrency market, with instances such as the recent authorisation of Bitcoin spot ETFs in Washington. In contrast, South Korea is being closely examined due to its comparatively slower speed in implementing regulations.

    What measures has South Korea implemented in light of the endorsement of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the United States during the third quarter?

    The approval granted by the United States has caused South Korean regulators to implement stricter regulations on domestic companies offering access to cryptocurrency ETFs abroad, arousing worries about the regulatory landscape.

    Why are the newly introduced crypto units by the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) in South Korea important?

    Crypto regulation received a small boost as the FSS introduced the Virtual Asset Supervision Bureau and the Virtual Asset Investigation Bureau. These dedicated units are seen as an initial move towards regulating the crypto space, although some sceptics argue that they were implemented rather belatedly.

    Which initial obstacles do the recently introduced FSS cryptocurrency units encounter?

    Investors have experienced hardships when trying to withdraw funds from unregistered trading platforms due to fraudulent crypto exchanges, prompting the issuance of warnings by FSS crypto units.

    Does the government consider the forthcoming crypto-focused legislation in South Korea to be adequate?

     The insufficiency of the imminent crypto-specific law, due to be enacted in July, has been recognized by the government. However, the advancement of a second bill by lawmakers is anticipated to occur only after the parliamentary elections on April 10.

    What are the reasons for the delay in discussions regarding the authorization of Bitcoin spot ETFs in South Korea?

    Delaying discussions on approving Bitcoin spot ETFs in South Korea has become necessary due to the upcoming parliamentary elections on April 10. This signifies a temporary pause in regulatory deliberations during this particular time frame.

    Credit: https://law.asia/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Damage-controls.jpg

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