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    VanEck Submits Revised Bitcoin ETF Application to SEC

    VanEck, a firm specializing in asset management and operating out of the vibrant city of New York, has recently made a substantial move towards the potential launch of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by presenting an altered application to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    On October 27, VanEck took a divergent path compared to fellow applicants by submitting revised documents concerning its fund seeding, marking a significant deviation from conventional strategies. This unconventional methodology sets VanEck apart from its rivals in the competitive realm of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

    The US SEC dismissed VanEck’s plan to list and trade VanEck Bitcoin Trust shares on March 10, which marked the third instance of the regulator rejecting VanEck’s attempt to have a Bitcoin ETF.

    The SEC’s stance on rejecting ETFs tied to digital assets remains in line with a larger pattern. Notably, VanEck’s previous applications in June of the previous year and in November 2021 faced the same fate. The primary reasons for these rejections continue to revolve around apprehensions about possible market manipulation within the digital asset market.

    VanEck Introduces Innovative Bitcoin ETF Fund Seeding

    Scott Johnsson, a finance attorney, highlighted that VanEck’s Bitcoin ETF will adopt a distinctive approach for fund seeding. Unlike other spot Bitcoin ETF proposals that rely on cash-based methods, this new filing suggests that VanEck’s ETF will utilize Bitcoin directly.

    The revised filing from VanEck details the structure of the VanEck Bitcoin Trust, an ETF that offers common shares of beneficial interest on the Cboe BZX Exchange. The primary goal of this trust is to replicate the performance of Bitcoin, taking into account operational expenses. Rather than holding cash, the trust will maintain a portfolio of Bitcoin.

    The distinguishing factor of this filing in comparison to other spot Bitcoin ETF propositions lies in its unique approach to fund seeding. Whenever the trust decides to sell or redeem its shares, it will execute these transactions by grouping 50,000 shares, forming what is known as a Creation Basket. The creation of this basket is calculated based on the Bitcoin value it represents, which is equivalent to the cumulative net asset value of the shares it contains.

    If a cash subscription is entailed, the administrator will calculate the exact amount equivalent to the Bitcoin quantity represented in the Creation Basket, considering the cash necessary to buy it.

    VanEck Ventures into the Hunt for a Bitcoin ETF

    VanEck’s recent submission has positioned them as part of a thriving group of investment managers who are altering their proposals for a Bitcoin ETF. In a similar vein, Bitwise Asset Management made adjustments to its application last month following the SEC’s reservations regarding the product. Now, it seems like VanEck is also considering the SEC’s concerns and adapting their filing accordingly. This shows that they are determined to navigate the regulatory landscape to bring a Bitcoin ETF to market.

    In the ongoing month, ARK Invest and 21Shares have taken a similar approach, enhancing their collaborative application by presenting supplementary information regarding their intended spot in Bitcoin ETF. This entailed elucidating their strategies for safeguarding and assessing assets. These revised filings signify a possible advancement in the discussions between asset managers and regulatory authorities.

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided to put off the ruling on several Bitcoin exchange-traded fund or ETF proposals, including the proposals from companies such as Invesco, BlackRock, Bitwise, VanEck, and Valkyrie Several investors and experts are on the lookout for an announcement that is likely to be made in the next few weeks.

    VanEck’s Unique Strategy: Combining Bitcoin Reserves with Ethereum Futures Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF).

    VanEck remains resolute in retaining Bitcoin for its forthcoming spot Bitcoin ETF, yet the investment management entity concurrently paves substantial paths within the realm of cryptocurrency. Interestingly, after obtaining a green light from the Securities and Exchange Commission, they stand ready to unveil futures contracts that emulate the essence of Ethereum.

    Thankfully, the upcoming Ether Futures ETF by VanEck is poised to be a completely standardized offering. It will include cash-settled futures contracts, which can be easily traded on the regulated commodities platform sanctioned by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
    VanEck’s commitment to expanding its cryptocurrency investment options and embracing the changing digital asset landscape is reflected in the innovative approach of its ETF. These funds effectively replicate the performance of targeted indexes or collections of financial instruments, aligning with VanEck’s objectives to diversify their offerings and provide investors with a wider range of choices.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    The amended application for a Bitcoin ETF by VanEck: Unveiling its true importance.

    By filing revised documents to the SEC, VanEck has taken a noteworthy stride towards introducing a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). This sets VanEck apart from other hopefuls who are also vying for the SEC’s nod on spot Bitcoin ETFs.

    What led to the SEC’s dismissal of VanEck’s earlier Bitcoin ETF proposition?

    VanEck’s previous proposals, including the March submission, were dismissed by the SEC due to apprehensions regarding possible manipulation within the digital asset market.

    What sets VanEck’s revised submission apart from other propositions for spot Bitcoin ETFs?

    VanEck’s approach to fund initiation sets it apart by leveraging Bitcoin itself as the foundation, instead of resorting to conventional cash-based methods. The trust engages in the sale or redemption of shares through Creation Baskets comprising 50,000 shares, calculated based on their equivalent Bitcoin value.

    Are other investment firms modifying their applications to include cryptocurrency ETFs focused specifically on Bitcoin?

    Furthermore, a multitude of asset managers, namely Bitwise Asset Management, ARK Invest, and 21Shares have taken the initiative to modify their applications and tackle the SEC’s apprehensions regarding spot Bitcoin ETFs.

    What does VanEck have in store for futures contracts inspired by Ethereum?

    VanEck intends to debut futures contracts resemblant to Ethereum, after receiving the green light from the SEC. These forthcoming contracts will be settled in cash and will be available for trading on the regulated commodities platform of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

    What does an ETF aim to achieve, and in what way does VanEck’s strategy align with this objective?

    By expanding its cryptocurrency investment offerings, VanEck’s Bitcoin and Ethereum-styled futures ETFs adhere to their objective of aligning with market indices or financial instrument baskets. This strategy broadens the choices available for investors in the ever-changing digital asset landscape.

    Credit: https://u.today/sites/default/files/styles/1600×900/public/2023-07/32423432.png

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