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    Google Cloud Joins Polygon’s PoS Network as Validator

    Google Cloud has partnered with Polygon’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network, contributing as a decentralized validator amongst its ranks.

    Google, renowned for its exceptional security services across multiple domains, is set to join the ranks of 100 validators responsible for safeguarding the blockchain, as declared on September 29 by the tech behemoth.

    As stated in the official announcement, Polygon aims to enhance user confidence in the growing Ethereum layer 2 competition by adopting the same robust infrastructure that supports popular services like Gmail and YouTube.

    Google Cloud Singapore has officially announced its role as a validator on the Polygon PoS network. With pride, they tweeted about their contribution to the network’s security, governance, and decentralization. Remarkably, they join forces with a powerful group of 100 other validators in this endeavor.

    Google Cloud’s involvement in the network extends beyond being a mere validator; it assumes a crucial position in the network’s governance, operates nodes, and stakes the MATIC token.

    Google’s strategic collaboration with web3

    Google’s ongoing effort to forge alliances within the blockchain ecosystem persists as it unveils this strategic maneuver. The integration of this move into its overarching plans underpins the tech giant’s commitment to expanding its collaborations in the realm of blockchain, evident through its series of consequential partnerships established in recent months.

    Google made an announcement in April about their provision of cloud services for Polygon’s zkEVM scaling solution, their backing of app chains, and their contribution of $200,000 worth of Google Cloud credit to support a startup endorsed by Polygon.

    The provider of cloud services clarified that it will provide node engines and facilitate the quick deployment of nodes with just one click.

    Innovation in distributed ledger technology (DLT) has brought numerous benefits beyond the realm of Polygon, as Google begins collaborations with various platforms including Tezos, Solana, Ronin Network, and more.

    In recent times, the organization widened its array of blockchain offerings on BigQuery by introducing 11 fresh networks. This expansion supplements the existing support for popular digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and others.

    Developers will be granted enhanced access to public data across various chains, accelerating the process of building decentralized applications (dApps) and forming smart contracts, as stated by the company.

    Our motivation stems from the expressed desire of blockchain foundations, Web3 analytics firms, partners, developers, and customers, who crave a broader perspective over the wide expanse of the crypto world. They intend to delve into multiple chains, unlocking the capability to address intricate inquiries and authenticate subjective assertions, states the declaration.

    Polygon’s endeavors towards achieving scalability

    Polygon expanded its range of services to facilitate user adoption in response to the growing market competition and advancements. One such advancement includes the launch of the Holesky testnet within the Ethereum ecosystem, enhancing the scalability of the platform.

    Polygon 2.0 aims to revolutionize scalability by boldly claiming to establish the very foundation of the internet’s value layer. This ambitious goal is backed by their implementation of Layer 2 solutions, which aim to address the scalability challenges faced by Ethereum. With Polygon’s Layer 2 technology, users can enjoy faster and cheaper transactions, making it more feasible for the widespread adoption of decentralized applications.

    The primary purpose of its construction lies in facilitating various chains, enabling seamless cross-chain transactions, and boosting liquidity while ensuring the utmost security and scalability of the network.

    Google’s collaboration with various platforms

    The collaboration between Google and various blockchain platforms signifies the widespread recognition of the potential of distributed ledger technology. By joining forces with Tezos, Solana, Ronin Network, and others, Google is showing its commitment to exploring the capabilities of different blockchain networks.

    This move allows Google to expand its support for public data across these chains on BigQuery, providing developers with valuable insights and tools to build innovative dApps and smart contracts. By granting enhanced access to public data, Google is not only facilitating the creation of new applications but also ensuring that developers have a comprehensive view of the crypto world.

    Meeting the needs of the crypto community

    Google’s decision to widen its array of blockchain offerings stems from the expressed desires of various stakeholders in the crypto community. Blockchain foundations, Web3 analytics firms, partners, developers, and customers have all voiced their need for a broader perspective on the crypto landscape.

    With this expansion, Google is addressing those needs by providing access to multiple chains and their associated data. This enables developers to gain a better understanding of the different blockchain ecosystems and make more informed decisions when building their applications.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Why does it matter that Google Cloud has joined as a validator on Polygon’s PoS network?

    Google Cloud’s recent decision to join Polygon as a validator marks a notable milestone, effectively enhancing the overall security and decentralization aspects of the Polygon blockchain network.

    What advantages does Polygon’s PoS network gain from incorporating Google Cloud’s renowned security services?

    Users gain a heightened sense of certainty through Google Cloud’s renowned security provisions, as it utilizes the same infrastructure that empowers Gmail and YouTube services to improve the Ethereum layer 2 encounter on Polygon.

    How will Google Cloud contribute its role as a validator within the Polygon PoS network?

    In the network’s governance, Google Cloud will take on the role of a validator. It will actively operate nodes and secure the network by staking MATIC tokens.

    Where does this move fit Google’s overall strategy for the blockchain ecosystem?

    Google’s collaboration with Polygon is an integral component of a broader scheme aimed at nurturing the blockchain ecosystem. In the past, they have extended their cloud services to facilitate Polygon’s zkEVM scaling solution, lent their support to app chains, and even offered financial backing to startups associated with Polygon.

    What are some other blockchain initiatives that Google has recently participated in?

    Google has taken a step forward by joining forces with various blockchain networks, including Tezos, Solana, and Ronin Network, and even expanding its partnership with Polygon. Furthermore, Google has broadened its range of blockchain services by incorporating 11 additional networks on BigQuery. Notably, this extension encompasses renowned cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum Classic.

    How does Google’s engagement with blockchain technology impact developers and users, leading to advantages and benefits?

    By enhancing the accessibility of public data on various chains, developers will experience expedited access to build decentralized applications (dApps) and establish smart contracts with greater efficiency. Google’s objective is to offer a holistic perspective of the cryptocurrency domain, facilitating developers in tackling intricate queries effectively.

    Credit: https://assets-global.website-files.com/637e2b6d602973ea0941d482/644a8a7a0620657179e509f5_google%20cloud2.png

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